sayang sayang saya :')

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

joyful time of being not-so-good english teacher.haha

today i went out with my BFF,diha
also wif Ain and another friends of her.
ain want me to teach her muet as she's goin to having her exmination on this 24th.
as im good enough to teach her out.haha
well ive told you not to ask me ain..
serve you right!

so here's some of the pix taken.
well,we're reall camera addicted!

this is me~

and this is three of us~

lagi lagi~ ngee...hehe

ha yang ni jgn percaya.kami berlakon jer.haha

ke-koya-an kami jelas kelihatan.bhahaha

ain,jangan marah.haha

yang ni the last bf pegi isi perut.yeahss~~!